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nr. 5, juni 2008

nr. 4, oktober 2007

nr. 3, juni 2007

nr. 2, april 2007

nr. 1, maart 2007





June 2008

41st International Hondsrug-Rally 2008

Friday, June 27 juni 2008 – Sunday, June 29 2008

Motorclub Martinistad would like to invite you to the 41st International Hondsrug-Rally rally at a new location in Gasselternijveenschemond. Bikers and side car riders (with passengers) are invited!

Many motorcycling friend from Denmark, Germany, Belgium and of course The Netherlands meet this weekend. The ingredients of this weekend are: live music, a tour on Saturday, prices and of course a lot of fun!
The Hondsrug Rally is always in the same weekend as the Grandprix Dutch TT in Assen.
Many visitors to our friendly and nice rally go to the races as well.

The rally is from Friday, June 27 until Sunday, June 29 2008 on motorcamping “De Motorschuur”
in Gasselternijveenschemond (Zuidzijde 30, 9515 PJ). This camping has a nice bar, showers and you can order simple dishes. You can also barbeque (to be ordered before noon).

The Hondsrug-Rally costs € 12,50 p.p. per night and breakfast, shower and coffee or tea are included.
If you need more information about our rally or our club, please visit the internetsite
or send an email to info@mcmartinistad.nl, or send a letter.

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oktober 2007

The 17th Longcoats Rally was great!!!!!!

In spite of the lasting rain many guests defied the wet and rode up here! Thanks for that and respect!
Skinner and Rob Orlemans & Half Past Midnight
were a huge success and the atmosphere was super again!
A few films were made of Rob Orlemans' show:



 June 2007


Friday, June 27th 2007 (the night before the Dutch TT in Assen)
Close your eyes and when you here his voice you think you're listening to the man himself. Open your eyes, look at the stage and you think he is really there: Neil Young!!!
Start: 20.30 uur
Sleeping place inside to be reserved before arrival
30 km away from the TT Circuit Assen

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April 2007

The season was
on March 31rd with a great party.
The Old Firm had noticable fun. It was a great atmosphere, it was busy, a lot of dancing and laughter, so we are very satisfied!

April 7th Bigns appeared on stage. They also had a great show. Everybody had a great time and was dancing like crazy. You can find pictures on the site. There are some new bands programmed, read more about it below.

Saturday, May 19 the Acid Eaters will perform!

Acid Eaters started in 1998. They play a varied set of country influences to metal and everything in between, like covers from the 1950-1970 era, in a Ramones kind of way, and also work by themselves. In 2007 they publish their CD "Stumblin’ home” themselves. Six own numbers of a grown up band which has experience in live shows. The noticable fun and playing their own music makes the band a joy to watch.

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maart 2007

This is the first news letter by motorcamping De Motorschuur.

We are planning to make it regularly, of course dependable of news!
For the coming year we have all kinds of plans and we booked some bands already. The next three bands will certainly play; we are working on some others. Hopefully we have more news in the new news letter.

On March 31 we will finally open the season and our new doors!
(pity for the old ones, they will keep us warm only one more evening!)

Time to check your tent and mattress, get your bike out of the garage and ride to Drenthe to party on Zuidzijde 30, Gasselternijveenschemond. Music will be played by The Old Firm!

The music made by this band is Scottish / Irish folk-rock. They play with a lot of energy and passion, which triggers the public to dance! A night 'Old Firm' is a night to remember!! A week later, on Saturday April 7, Bigns performs!

Bigns from Brabant is anno 2007 a known name in the rockcover circuit.
In seven years time they have grown from a school band into a grown up band with a broad and varied repertoire, which young and old rockers can enjoy.
Although Bigns plays a lot of rock legends, it is nog a classic band only. There are well known songs, but also songs that are not so well known; this is their strong suit. A night with this band and the old times are blown off the stage!

Last but not least, on Saturday april 28, Unabomber will perform. They have played before here (Longcoats Rally 2003, support act) and 2004 (main act), so lots of you know them already!
Time to go crazy with them!!!


UNABOMBER fought their way out of the traditional rock circuit. What happened?
A five man strong formation that surprised friends and foe with a unique style!!! Already 6,5 years we have been rocking. We play greasy rock in a mix of own numbers and some covers "IN OUR OWN WAY"
from Britney Spears to Led Zeppelin, from Danko Jones to UNABOMBER. 200% effort and
individual class guarantee fantastic show!!


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adres onder

Motorcamping "De Motorschuur" / Zuidzijde 30 / 9515 PJ Gasselternijveenschemond, NL
GPS N 52.99373  E 006.89547 / Gijs: 0031 (0)6 - 513 312 37/

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